• Principles of Biomedical Sciences (490042)

    This course provides an introduction to medical field careers and basic biomedical sciences through exciting “hands-on” projects and problems. It provides an overview of scientific knowledge needed for the subsequent courses. During the course, students work together with a variety of medical equipment to determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person. After pinpointing those factors, the students investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person’s life.

    Student work involves the study of human medicine, research processes, and health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. Students explore health care science careers in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, medical research, physical therapy, dentistry, medical imaging, etc. Key biological concepts included in the curriculum are homeostasis, cardiovascular structure, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease.


    Human Body Systems (490043)

    During this course, students will study the processes, structures, and interactions of the human body systems. The focus of the class will be basic human physiology that shows how the body systems work together to keep the amazing human machine functioning. Thus, the central theme is how the body systems work together to maintain homeostasis and good health.

    Students will use “hands-on” activities to design experiments, investigate the structures and functions of body systems with clay manikins, and use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflexes, voluntary actions, respiratory operation, and walking gait. Also, students will work through interesting real world cases and often play the role of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries. Important concepts in the course include: communication, transport of substances, movement, metabolic processes, defense, and protection.


    Medical Interventions (490044)

    In the Medical Interventions course, students will investigate the variety of interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. Thus, this course explores the design and development of various medical interventions, including vascular stents, DNA analysis, cancer treatment, cochlear implants, and prosthetic limbs. In addition, students review the history of organ transplants and gene therapy. Additionally, students will experience cutting-edge medical developments through current technology and scientific literature.

    Student projects investigate various medical interventions that extend and improve quality of life, including gene therapy, pharmacology, surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation, and supportive care. Using 3D imaging, data acquisition software, and current scientific research, students will design a product that can be used as a medical intervention. This means that students will be able to apply scientific thinking and design for critical medical situations.


    Biomedical Innovations (490001)

    In this capstone course, students apply their knowledge and skills to answer questions or solve problems related to the biomedical sciences. Students design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st century as they work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, addressing topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public health, and they will present their work publicly either at a science fair or to community industry leaders. Students will participate in the Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) chapter activities and prepare to potentially compete at the annual HOSA State Leadership Conference. Students will complete the training necessary to become a Certified EKG Technician (CET) through the NHA and will have the opportunity to test for certification. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in the Biomedical Sciences Clinical Internship Program which includes spending time observing healthcare professionals from diverse disciplines in the clinical setting.


    Dual Enrollment EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)
    Prerequisite: Course open to all students in Grade 12 with 3.0 GPA or higher.

    Qualifying Biomedical and Fire and Emergency Services Academy students will be given preference but prior participation in these programs is not required. The course provides students with insights into the theory and application of concepts related to the profession of emergency medical services and is required to apply for certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. Specific topics include: EMS preparatory, airway maintenance, patient assessment, management of trauma patients, management of medical patients, treating infants and children, and various EMS operations. The course is based on the NHTSA National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards and provides students with clinical education experiences to enhance knowledge and skills learned in the EMS 118, Emergency Medical Technician Theory and Lab. This course helps students prepare for the National Registry Exam which they are expected to take up course completion.