Child Find Notice
Pursuant with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Act 106, Trussville City Schools offers special programs for children with disabilities and for children who are gifted. Child Find is an attempt to locate and provide appropriate educational and related services to all children with disabilities between birth and age 21 and all school age children who are gifted who reside within the city limits of Trussville.If you are the parent of a child between the ages of 3 and 21 with disabilities or would like to make a referral for gifted services and reside within the city limits of Trussville, contact the Exceptional Education Office for Trussville City Schools at (205) 228-3043.
You can also use the appropriate statewide toll free numbers listed below:
Birth through 2
1-800-543-3098 (V/TDD)
Ages 3 – 21
Alabama Relay Service
1-800-548-2547 (voice only)